
View the Project on GitHub hbwhbwhbw/internetlaw


  1. Do I need a tech background to take this class? Absolutely not. Anyone can take this class, which focuses on the law and governance of the Internet. I promise the class requires no technical knowledge beyond what’s assigned in the syllabus.

  2. What do I need to bring to class? Please bring your laptop, the casebook, and any notes you need. You may want to take a look at the technology policy for the class.

  3. Where can I find the readings? Readings for this class will be posted on Canvas. The reading assignments can be found here.

  4. OMG, that’s a lot of reading… Yes. This class does require a fair amount of reading.

  5. I don’t feel well. What should I do? First, I hope you feel better soon! Second, please don’t come to class. If you feel up to it, you can participate remotely.

  6. What’s your attendance policy? Life happens. I understand. Prompt and regular attendance is important to the classroom community. More than two unexcused absences will count against your participation grade. Pursuant to the law school’s policy, missing more than 25 percent of the class meetings will lead you to be automatically withdrawn from the course.

  7. Hey, turns out I love Internet Law. How do I get a job doing this? I’m thrilled when I hear this from students! Come chat with me at office hours - I am always happy to try to help students navigate their career paths.

  8. I have a different question. Okay, send me an email.