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Technology Policy

tl;dr: Technology is amazing! It is also distracting. Please be mindful of your technology use, stay present in the class, and refrain from using your laptop or tablet for any non-class-related activities while in class.

longer version: We now have the attention spans of goldfish. I believe that laptops, cell phones, and other electronic devices largely serve as an irritant and a distraction from classroom discussion. A significant body of research also supports the conclusion that handwritten notetaking is correlated with better performance in class.

Please be mindful of your technology use in class and thoughtful about whether what you are doing on your laptop or phone might be distracting for your classmates.

Due to the occasional need for two-factor authentication, you should bring your cell phone to class. However, I ask that you silence it during the session. I will ask students who are texting or using a phone during class to leave.

Zoom Policies